Artifact 001
  • Available
    From 17:00 CET June 13th till 17:00 CET June 20th
  • Price
    $5 - 10 FLOW
  • Enter Artifact 001, a limited-edition collection of digital collectibles complete with AR filters, and physical accessories for the citizens of tomorrow. The items, inspired by mineral formations, are part of a collab between Weekday and digital fashion house The Fabricant. Consider them locked in time, always remaining as they find their way to new owners. Make your move now, history doesn’t wait.

Wear Weekday in AR

All holders of Weekday's Artifact 001 collection have access to the AR filter of their digital twin.


WEEKDAY is a street fashion & lifestyle brand pushing the boundaries of everyday dressing. It’s a collective, a platform for expression – cultivating the creative gen in the search of hypeworthy inspiration, new styles, and emerging cultural trends.

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